Free Pick 9/13/19

Free pick won again yesterday.   Ready to become a member?  Just send an email to get started.

I know some of you are looking for this weekends football, but I can't sell that this weekend because the lines have all moved a lot.  You would not be able to get anywhere near the lines I got earlier in the week, so it wouldn't be right to sell those games now.  But that's why you need to become a member so you can get the early lines. 

Ok, I know, everyone wants another winner.


Washington -160 (Scherzer, xFIP 2.91) vs Atlanta (Soroka, xFIP 3.86).  Scherzer is the best there is with a xFIP under 3 and a K:BB 7:1 which is off the charts outstanding.  If there was one game you had to win and could pick any pitcher on the planet, I'd take Scherzer.   Soroka has a K:BB just over 3:1 which is good but he has a BABIP .280 so regression is coming.   Sometimes things are as they appear and you can't over think things, getting Max Scherzer at a price less than -200 is a gift. 


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