Free Pick 9/27/19
The last week of baseball season is usually rather boring as most games don't mean anything. But the Nationals beat the Phillies 5 straight to reach 90 wins and go over their season win total, and the White Sox lost to stay under their season win total. Overall season wins totals went 7-3 for another profitable year. The NHL starts next week, so expect some season point totals to be sent soon, probably Sunday or Monday. I always like to wait to make sure there's not an injury during preseason. NBA starts about a week after the NHL so anticipate some season win totals just before the season starts. Remember you can become a member at any time, just send an email to get started. Also, you can use the pay links on here to get whatever day or week of bets you'd like. I know everyone has been missing the free winners, but there just wasn't much to bet this week with baseball in its final days and not much else going on. Friday: Arizona Stat...